Paperback Swap

41rmfe2d2flI did it…I succumbed to the the peer pressure of the Paperback Swap! Regrets? Only that now I’m totally addicted! I went through the box of books I had ready to take to Half Price and pulled out the ones that were in good enough shape to post (no water stains, no highlighting – except in the textbooks, etc). I posted about 30 books initially. In the first week I mailed 7! I have three books that are on their way to me – 1.) Ayn Rand’s We the Living that I will be reading for a class this next session, 2.) All Quiet on the Western Front, also one for a future class (although I think may have read this in high school…), and 3.) Ayn Rand’s Anthem, an upcoming bookclub book! I have added all the future textbooks I know of onto my wish list – even if I get one big one (not counting the two I’ve already gotten) that could save my like $50 and make the whole thing worth it! I really like the whole concept. And makes it so easy. Their website is really easy and organized and you can print your postage and packing material right from their website! I love it! If you decide to join because of this post, make sure you use me as a reference! My user id is elliekirkland.

3 thoughts on “Paperback Swap

  1. Slowly but surely everyone is going to be addicted to paperbackswap! I know I am!

    I have never heard of ‘We the Living’ – you’ll have to let me know what you think of it.

  2. Pingback: Paperback Swap | married to a bmw

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